“Scientifically there is no such thing as transgender,” …WHAT?

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“Scientifically there is no such thing as transgender,” …WHAT?

By Robert Walker

After recently reading an article titled “Psychiatry expert: ‘Scientifically there is no such thing as transgender,’” I begin to wonder whether scientifically if there is such thing as transgender. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/psychiatry-expert-scientifically-there-is-no-such-thing-as-transgender

According to the article dated for Tuesday, January 15, 2013 – 7:02pm EST, a prominent Toronto psychiatrist, Dr. Joseph Berger, made the above statement while also indicating that transgender people are “mental ill.”

Are we left to deduce that transgender people are in fact, scientific evidence for mental illness?

This line of reasoning suggests a superficial observation being made of a transgender person of feminine quality is to be completely ignored. Even when transgender people do attempt to hide their feminine side, through acting, with all efforts put forward to emulate masculinity, any alpha male as well as other people can sense the feminine. Likewise, even when a straight person attempt to act transgender, or gay, the masculinity can be detected through our senses.

The motion picture “To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar, starring Wesley Snipes, Patrick Swayze, and John Leguizamo as three New York drag queens who embark on a road trip. Where Wesley Snipes attempt to perform in such a way without depicting his natural masculinity. As you may witness for yourself in the link below. Wesley’s masculinity comes across the screen in spite of his skills as an incredible actor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT8XQcaVUtI

In the acclaim “The Birdcage [1996],” the actor Nathan Lane, who informed the world of his male counterpart, depicts being gay quite well. He comes across the screen so incredibly believable; plus, no masculinity is revealed. His character Albert Goldman struggles with hiding feminine with such degree of realization to disguise himself as the mother of character Val Goldman. No skills required here for such struggles, but Nathan Lane’s ability to reveal the character’s feelings were on point. The late Robin Williams’ masculinity comes across on the screen even though he played the male counterpart Armand Goldman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoJOol3aoJQ

For it to be science it must be testable, observed, and measured. Otherwise is not science.

Who then cannot test, observe, or even measure the feminine in a person of transgender and gay?

It’s no secret among the LGBT community that they share, perhaps, some questionable quality or level of, being diverse.  At its essence, such diversity causes many within the community to draw distinctive differences among themselves. Such an observation points to some level of measurable difference in feminine.  As such, transgender activist Ashley Love, and CNN Don Lemon converse openly in this regard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TXXkSEBP8k

My point should be well taken here without further explanation.  However so, in the future scientist will devise a means of testing whether the common trait or mental characteristic of a woman’s femininity exist within the transgender mind.  And, perhaps, scientist will also be able to measure the level of feminine among the LGBT community with certainty.  There have already been a number of different kinds of test and observations made from careful Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).  Visual analyzes of the transgender brain in comparison to the non-transgender brain reveal little consensus for evidence today.  Notably, in studies concerning brain development, heredity traits, and karyotype aberrations have shown little, if any, direct evidence from which there can be scientific consensus.

In addition, while there is little scientific evidence for showing that there is such a thing as transgender, there is also no scientific evidence for believing in life after death; yet, according to global research company, Ipsos for Reuters News poll found 51% believe in the afterlife. http://www.ipsos-na.com/news-polls/pressrelease.aspx?id=5217

In spite of being based on belief compared to, of, or related to the practice of science; it begs the question: If life in some form of awareness supersede death, then can the individual’s awareness also identify themselves as female or male?

I mean, given the very nature of death in that the body no longer lives; thus, no longer attributing male or female sexual organs as a means of physical identity.  How then do we define male or female qualities at a spiritual level, which can be transferred into a comprehensible meaning that bring clarity to a transgender statement “I’m a girl,” trapped in a male body or vise verse?  The answer falls upon the degree or level of femininity being observed, something the average person is capable of witnessing; yet, our current school of thought among the field of psychiatry refuse to take critical notice beyond calling it a mental illness.

The reality here is that we are now approaching a new paradigm in scientific advancements that will point mankind beyond the threshold of physical appearances.  The human spirit, the very essence of human energy, in that other part of human existence to which survives death, will one day soon unfold itself through the scientific community.

[Although I have used the word “spirit” to describe an essential part of being human.  Scientifically speaking and, for further enhancing a comprehensible meaning, I rather refer to a word better descriptive of a world that has been mathematically described as existing beyond our noticeable four (4) dimensional physical world we’re familiar with.  This world involves other “dimensions,” as opposed to using the “spiritual world.”  Dimensions for which are currently merging and interacting with our three (3) and four (4) dimensional world.  Likewise, it should be noted that the essential parts of being human also fall within the scope of these additional dimension].

Given if Matter is layered within the construct of these dimensions; it should raise no wonder to the scientific community that the human experience moves far beyond death into these other dimensions.  On the other hand, if Matter is not layered within the construct of these dimensions; it should be noted here, I then would concede that transgender would fall within the definition of mental illness.  Nevertheless, I’m more incline, given my personal experiences with these dimensions, expressed in my book called, Remember the Rainbow, in that, Matter is layered within the construct of these dimensions.  Thus, given rise to an old idea to which has commonly, been wrong in defining the “spiritual realm,” as meaning non-physical.

Currently, scientific experiments are being conducted at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), where, scientists are smashing particle at near speed of light, collecting data that will ultimately yield, news of these dimension having the construct of being Matter.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn24jK743gU

When this occurs the data will force a new paradigm in scientific understanding that will eventually lead to scientific evidence showing that there is such a thing as transgender.  In addition, that same data will lead to resolving some of the mysteries surrounding mental illnesses.  The field of psychiatry will have to be overhauled in light of this new paradigm. Other schools of thought; religion, philosophy, and mathematics…etc., will follow suit in that they too will have to be overhauled. From this data the evidence will be so powerful to replace the Big Bang Theory as the model of our universe.  Mankind is at the threshold, two steps into a door, alio modo, soon upon which humanity will be walking through with awe.  An awaking as to who we really are as humans will change our perception of the transgender community.  In short, it will be as if God himself opened the gates of heaven so that man can witness all his glory without vain.

Robert Walker is the author of “Remember the Rainbow:  An Instinctive Sense for Grasping the Nature of things,” copyright 2013, currently available at Amazon. Com.

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